' November 2016 ~ Zero Finance
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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

5 Step How to Selling Success on ebay

Not selling much on eBay? Don’t worry because you aren’t alone. Despite the fact that eBay is one of the websites you can’t live without, and millions of people are making money from using the service, there are even more people who struggle to gain visibility and sell even a single item. If you’re one of them, listen up.

Before you, quite a few people have made up their minds to start selling on eBay. Out of the successes and failures of those that have gone before, there are many lessons that can be learned. To make it less difficult for you to succeed, listed here are five tactics that have already yielded excellent results. The tactics with especially long lists of successful users in the past.

1. Have A Very Accurate Description Of Your Items

This generally works well because being honest will bring back repeating customers. Again, think like a buyer, you wouldn’t want to be misled into the purchase of items falsely described. This is a very easy step as long as you have a decent amount of photographs, these will do most of the explaining for you. Be sure to address color, size, condition, wear, and any other items that photographs can’t speak for. Your high detailed description will build confidence in buyers, leading to repeating business and positive feedback!

2. Take Clear Photos From Multiple Angles

Once a potential buyer clicks on your product link, the most important detail becomes your photos. The product descriptions are important as well but the photos will often determine whether or not the deal is sealed. Obviously this only applies if you’re selling a physical product.

Take photos that are high quality and take them from all angles. Show every detail, good and bad, so the buyer can gather as much information as they can regarding the product before making a decision. Personally, I always exit out of a product page with few or no photos because I feel like I’m taking a shot in the dark.

Essentially, you want to eliminate as much buyer doubt as you can.

Even if your product is scratched, scuffed, or covered in some other kind of flaw, take clear photos of those, too. Let the buyers see the condition and decide for themselves whether they want to buy it or not. You’d be surprised how many buyers will actually decide to put up with minor cosmetic damage as long as they can get a good sense of it in the photo.

Whatever you do, DO NOT try to deceive with your photos. That never ends up well.

3. Offer Free Shipping

With this, you’ve got to be careful about getting your pricing correct from the beginning, failure to do this can result in getting less for your items than intended. The words “FREE SHIPPING” are almost a guarantee eye-catching phrase with any online retail store. You can simply add the shipping costs to the overall price, for what looks to be free shipping to the search engines. This will attract a whole different group of shoppers. Although, if you decide to go this route, make sure you don’t underestimate the freight fees, this will result in losing money on your sale. Owning a small scale and a tape measure will hep you calculate your overall shipping costs. You’ll be asked to enter the dimensions, along with the weight of your boxes when filling out the shipping section of your listing. It’s easy, don’t sweat it!

4. Offer PayPal As A Payment Method

Over the years, PayPal has built up a controversial name for itself due to inconsistent customer service and strange policy decisions. Some people have sworn off PayPal forever while others, like myself, don’t hold too strong of an opinion.

If you don’t like PayPal, stick to your guns, but understand that a lot of buyers still prefer PayPal when shopping online. It’s pervasive, it’s easy, and it’s extremely convenient. By declining to offer PayPal as a valid payment method, you’ll end up alienating a huge portion of your potential audience, which means lost sales.

5, Pick the Right Price

The third most important detail to pay attention to as a seller: price. This one’s obvious, right? If you overprice the item, nobody but the uninformed will even consider buying it. But you don’t want to underprice it either, otherwise you won’t make much of a profit. Picking the right price can be difficult.

That’s why you need to research. Look around for listings that are similar to yours, whether on eBay or elsewhere. If you’re selling a used iPad, make sure you price it in the range of other used iPads of the same generation. Feel free to undercut or overprice as long as you understand that you’ll receive less profit or it may take longer to sell.

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